Thursday, January 31, 2019

Our snow exploration from last week evolved into an exciting ice investigation, which went perfectly with our new letter of the week (i). 


We became scientists for a day, making observations and conducting experiments to find out the fastest way to melt an ice cube. We had many unique and creative ideas come about!

Many students immediately started blowing on their ice cube...

Some popped it in their mouth to break it into smaller pieces...


Others squeezed it in their hands or stirred it in warm water...


And a few outside-the-box thinkers in the afternoon class decided that the warmest spot on their body was their armpit...


After everyone had melted their ice, we recorded our scientific observations in our journals. It was a very exciting day :)

Our young storytellers are becoming more and more confident in their skills every day. We have evolved from oral storytelling and building stories with classroom materials to representing stories with drawings and words. Check out these gems!

"Once upon a time there was a princess named Leia. She lived in a house. She ate an apple and it made her fall into a deep sleep. Her dad kissed her to wake her up."

"One day there was somebody named Levi. He was going to Briar Hill School. When he saw Miss Roberts, she turned into a monkey! Levi ran and got Mr. Hart. He had just the right potion to turn Miss Roberts back normal again."

Classroom Information and Reminders:

1. Inline skating starts on Tuesday for kindergarten. If you have not already done so, please ensure you return your child's permission form by Monday. Thank you so much to the 12 volunteers who immediately jumped on board to help us out! This is going to be so much fun!

2. Valentine's Day is fast approaching! Your child is welcome to bring in valentines to hand out to their classmates if this is something they are interested in doing. If your child chooses to bring in valentines, I have a couple small requests:
  • Organizing the handing-out of these things can be a bit difficult. To simplify the process, I am asking that students sign their valentines with their own name, but leave the "To" part blank. Or write, To: My friend. We have 18 morning students and 16 afternoon students. 
  • We have spent a great deal of time learning to write our names with lower case letters, using a capital only at the beginning. As your child will be writing their name many, many times, please encourage them to write their name this way.
  • Due to student allergies, I request that students not bring in food treats for each other. If you are interested in sending in something extra, pencils, stickers or any other non-food treat is welcome (but not necessary!)
Thank you for another wonderful week with your kiddos. Something about this time of year is very special. The children are becoming more confident and independent every day. It's a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of. 

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Miss Roberts



Saturday, January 26, 2019

We had a s-s-s-s-spectacular week filled with storytelling, snow exploration and sunflowers!! 

We spent a lot of time this week learning how to tell a simple story. We discovered that most stories have a main character, a setting, a problem and a solution. Children used materials in the room to build a story plan and took turns sharing their stories with each other. Have your child look for these story elements in the books you read together at home!



S is for snow! With our big, beautiful windows, our classroom felt like a giant snow globe this week. Children enjoyed getting a close-up look at some freshly fallen snow, which led to some very science-rich conversation.




The afternoon students had an opportunity to learn about one of my favourite artists, Vincent van Gogh. We spent time looking at his paintings and learned about what makes him different from other artists. We looked at close-up photographs of his artwork to observe how thick and textured his artwork is.

Next, we got to work creating our very own beautiful sunflowers. I can't wait for you to see these masterpieces in person. They are breathtaking!




We had some very exciting guests come to our classroom this week! Olivia's dad, Constable Chris, and his friend, Constable Tyler, paid us a kindergarten visit. They taught us many interesting things about what a police officer does and graciously let each child have a turn sitting in the front seat of their police truck! We even got to turn on the lights and the sirens (sorry neighbours 😬)! Thank you SO MUCH to our guests for making this special day a reality for us. The kiddos absolutely loved this experience 💖



If you or any close family members have a job that our kindergarteners may find interesting, please let me know! We love learning more about people in our community. 

Classroom Information and Reminders

1. There is no school for morning OR afternoon students next Friday, February 1st. 

2. Home reading is right around the corner! We will be ready to begin bringing books home the first week of February.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Roberts :)