Monday, May 18, 2020

Dear Kindergarten Families,

I am bursting with pride as I look at the incredible work you are doing from home. Although I miss you so very much, my heart is happy knowing that you're having fun and learning so much while at home. 

Look at the beautiful nests you created this week! I love that each one is so perfectly unique. 



...AND Check out our amazing INDEPENDENT writers! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! You kiddos totally rocked this writing challenge!

Click HERE for a summary of our activities for this week! 
Our letter focus for the next few weeks is moving to letter blends. Our first letter blend is TH. The more your child sees, hears and talks about this letter combo, the more they will remember it. Point it out wherever you go, in books, on signs, or even on food labels in the cupboard!

Check out this hilarious video:

Today your letter challenge is to draw 2 things that BEGIN with the TH sound and 2 things that END with the TH sound. Write the words for each thing you draw. 


I’m thinking of an animal that ENDS with the TH sound. It’s cute and slow and lives in the trees. Can you figure out what it is? 

Check out this neat video. Sloths are very interesting animals!! 

The Life of a Sloth 

As always, there’s an art hub for everything! If you’d like to learn how to draw a sloth, check this out:

RANDOM SIDE NOTE: Some children get the TH, F and V sounds mixed up. If you find your child having a hard time differentiating these sounds, watch this video, which helps children to understand the different things our mouths are doing when we say these sounds. 


Your task today is to write a thank you note or card. Think of someone who has done something kind or special for you. This could be a family member, friend, neighbour or anyone else you can think of!  Create a card or write a letter to let them know how much you appreciate them. Make sure to actually send or deliver it! Talk about how it feels to do something thoughtful for someone else. Doesn’t it feel great to be kind? 

You obviously don't need to go all out on decorating the front of the card. It's the message inside that matters the most. BUT... if you're feeling artsy, go all out and make it special. How neat is this celery idea?!?


You're becoming word experts! So proud of my little readers.

Here are our new sight words for the week (if your child has already mastered the first 20):


Dandelions are everywhere right now. As annoying as they are, they sure are pretty to play with :)


Experimentation, building and testing our ideas is a big part of being in kindergarten. Today your challenge is to build a boat! Use whatever materials you can find in your house. Even tinfoil alone is enough to build a pretty neat boat!


Fill a small container with water to see if it floats. Use rocks or coins to test your boat’s strength. Can you modify your boat in some way so that it can hold even more weight? Draw a picture of your boat and label the materials you used.

Just use what you can find at home!



Have you heard of Chatterpix?? It’s a FREE app that our kindergarteners learned how to use in class this year. It’s a way to make photos talk. So for example, if a child drew a picture of a dinosaur, they could use the app to take a picture of the dinosaur and have the dinosaur speak and share facts. It might be a great way for your child to share what they know about their passion project topic. 

How amazing are these questions!? 
How deep are black holes?
Is there a portal in space?
Are we alone in the universe?

Feel free to try out some of Ms. Lecocq’s MUSIC activities  today.

 One last thing...

I want to support your kiddos in their reading at home. I've included some reading strategies to try out with your kiddos in the literacy section of our Google Drive folder. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about them. If you're up for it, make a Raz-Kids recording of a first reading attempt. It's easier for me to provide feedback if I can hear them work their way through new text. No pressure though! 

Have a wonderful week of learning! I hope you find some time to go adventuring and exploring. It's one of our very favourite things to do. Find a new place and get lost! 

Lots of love,
Miss Roberts 💖