Hello Parents,
I am ending my week on such a high after chatting with all of you. Thank you so much for making time to have these important conversations about your child.
We're learning more and more about the planets in our solar system and worked through a special art project to expand our thinking in this area.
We're continuing to refine our skills of telling and representing stories that contain a main character, setting, problem and solution.
In math, we continue to explore increasingly complex patterns and are having fun searching for them in stories we read and on our clothing each day.
Children sign their name each day as they enter our classroom. Lately, we have a question for the children to answer as they sign-in. Start asking your child what our question of the day was and have them explain why they made the answer they did. We're working very hard to consistently write our names with an upper-case letter at the beginning, followed by all lowercase letters :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Roberts