This week in kindergarten...
We focused on the letter R. Most of the children are becoming quite confident with sounding out simple words on their own at this point in the year. This is so exciting to see! A few of our friends are still working at this tricky skill but we're getting better every single day. Please look for the writing page that came home to check-in and see how your child's writing is progressing. We're not looking for perfection here. MOG for mug or WEG for wig is just perfect for where we're at. If your child struggled with this activity, a little extra practice with letter/sound relationships and segmenting words into sounds might be helpful for your child. Please reach out if you have any questions.
With letter R as our focus this week, we spent a lot of time talking about RAINBOWS and all things related to colour! We had so much fun exploring how colours can evoke different feelings within us and made the cutest colour monsters in the entire world.
With Miss Matthews, we continued to explore the world of measurement, focusing on different lengths. We talked about how we can use different items to measure objects in our classroom. We used paper feet to measure how tall our friends were, and then we compared our height to the rest of our classmates. Ask your child how many paper feet tall they were!
We furthered our investigation of animals in winter. Our focus this week was on animals that hibernate. We looked at different hibernators and learned about how and where they hibernate. Students discussed their learning and shared their new facts with their friends. We worked on a bear hibernation art activity. Students cut out different shapes and created backgrounds to show a wintery hibernation scene!
Thanks for a wonderful week!
Miss Roberts, Mrs. Planden and Miss Matthews