Wednesday, October 2, 2019

I know it's a bit early in the week for my usual blog post, but I will be away from the school on Friday and wanted to keep you up to date about our wonderful week together :)

This week was all about the letter H! Children are becoming very enthusiastic about our weekly letters and are beginning to notice many things throughout the week that begin with the letters we have learned so far (P and H). Some of our kiddos have even started exploring adding letters to their work!

We call this beginning stage of writing "kid-writing." Children may add random letters to their pictures or begin to identify the beginning letters associated with what they have drawn. If you see your child begin to experiment with letters at home, please be supportive of this HUGE developmental step (and do your best to refrain from correcting their attempts). Encourage risk-taking and experimentation! All attempts at writing are a success!

As we continue to learn more about each other over these first few weeks, we talk a lot about our families and our homes. Children were SO excited to share what makes their home a unique and special place. We also discovered that HOUSE starts with the letter H! 


We learned about the difference between drawing from our imagination and drawing from real-life. We created drawings using the photographs you sent in (thank you!) and worked hard to include as many details as we could. We will begin painting these beautiful drawings over the next few days.



A large part of being in kindergarten is learning to represent and communicate our ideas in a variety of ways. Each week, children are invited to express what they know through diverse materials, provocations, conversations and learning challenges. As children play and create, they are experimenting with new concepts and solidifying their ideas. One of our learning challenges this week was to build a home out of sticks. Can you see the little families inside?


Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with your children each week. We are having an amazing time coming together as a class. I enjoy the time we share so very much.

Classroom Information and Reminders

1. Monday, October 7 is Picture Day

2. Friday, October 11 is a Professional Day for teachers. There will be no school for morning or afternoon students.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I'll see you on Tuesday. 

Miss Roberts :)