We spent time every day this week talking about what it means to be grateful. It was beautiful to see how the children began the week feeling gratitude for toys and ice cream and gradually evolved to being grateful for things such as a loving family and a warm, safe home.
"I am grateful for Momoyama sushi."
We learned that a group of people who come together is called a community and began talking about what it means to be a part of a community. We used Google Earth to explore our own community from a new and unique perspective and talked about the many different kinds of communities we are a part of (school community, kindergarten community, sports community, neighbourhood community, etc). We learned about the importance of signs (both street signs and labels on household items) to help keep us safe within our communities and searched for signs we could find in and around our school. Take a look for signs and symbols around your house!
To help us gain a deeper understanding of the concept of community, we decided to begin mmmmapping our own (this week's letter was M 😉). Children were deeply engaged in this project! We spent 2 full days on these maps and could have kept going. They put an incredible amount of thought and effort into these. Many of our kiddos even attempted sounding out words for the first time! *PROUD TEACHER MOMENT* Try exploring different kinds of maps at home. Have your child create a map of their room or a treasure map to follow!
As always, we deepen our understanding of classroom topics through our play! Our little community builders are hard at work constructing roadways, buildings and signs!
Classroom Information and Reminders
We have now spent time focusing on 3 alphabet letters. Find things around the house that begin with P, H and M and see if your child is able to sort the items by their initial letter sound. Try playing Eye Spy, searching for things that begin with certain letter sounds (Eye spy with my little eye, something that starts with the letter ___ ).
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Miss Roberts 💝