Thursday, November 14, 2019

N is for nature! We decided to get out and explore our beautiful school yard this week. We were hardworking scientists looking closely at our environment, collecting interesting things to investigate and coming up with questions about what we gathered. 

"I wonder where the first seed came from."



 "There's an ant nest in here!"

We enjoyed taking a closer look at our nature finds once we got back inside...

 "I wonder how a nest gets made."

"I wonder if birds use their feet to pick up the sticks for their nest."

"Why is there mud in the nest? How do they add the they use their beak?"

"I wonder how ice and snow get made."

We've got some deep, scientific thinkers in our bunch! We'll spend time investigating these and other amazing questions throughout the coming weeks.

The morning class had a lot of fun at the fire station and the afternoon class enjoyed making their fire trucks!

We continue to work on patterning. This week, we focused on identifying the core of each pattern (the chunk that repeats), identified patterns and non-patterns and searched for errors in my SMARTboard patterns. 

We learned that you can even make a pattern out of a group of very similar items. Patterning with these mini pumpkins inspired more wonder questions...

"I wonder if there are seeds inside."

"I wonder if the seeds are smaller than the ones in a big pumpkin."

So naturally, we had to find out! Ask your child what we discovered! We also learned something SUPER cool about the number of segments on a pumpkin! 

Classroom Information and Reminders

1. Scholastic orders are due back on Tuesday, Nov. 19.

2. Friday, Nov. 22 is a Professional Day. There is no school on that day for morning or afternoon students. 

3. Are any of you experts at making play-dough (or even remotely good at it)? Please email me and let me know if you would be willing to take on this exciting challenge and donate a batch to our little kiddos. Thank you!!

4. One more afternoon volunteer spot has opened up for the theatre field trip in December. If you are interested, please sign-up online :)

Thank you for being such an incredibly supportive group of parents. I appreciate you! Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Roberts :)