Our Week In Pictures
Have your child share about their week at school while explaining the photos to you.
(Please ensure you scroll all the way to the bottom for some important reminders.)
This painting could be yours!! See reminder section at the bottom :)
new popcorn words
watching the garbage truck go by
This painting could also be yours!! See reminder section at the bottom :)
Classroom Info and Reminders:
1. The incredible collaborative art we created this week will be up for auction next week! Check out the Briar Hill School Playground silent auction site if you'd like to bid on one of these beauties!! They should be added sooooooon!! https://elevateauctions.com/BriarHillPlayground
2. Thanks to the generosity of Parent Council, our classes will have an opportunity to watch an online performance of the Paper Bag Princess, performed by Storybook Theatre next week. We will be watching it on Wednesday. Visit thier website if you'd like further information about the show:
3. Mrs. Planden will be in on Monday. I will see you all on Tuesday :)
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Roberts 💖