Thursday, October 7, 2021

This week in kindergarten, we learned that a group of people who come together is called a community, and began talking about the many different kinds of communities we might belong to (school community, kindergarten community, family community, sports community, neighbourhood community, etc). 

We learned about the importance of signs and symbols to help keep us safe within our communities and searched for signs we could find in and around our school. Take a look for signs and symbols around your house and neighbourhood this weekend!

Our letter focus was C this week. This letter/sound combo is confusing for many little ones as they think the C should make an /s/ sound. We have now learned about P, F and C. Your child should be able to tell you the name and sound of these letters. Please point out everything you see and hear that begins with these letters at home. 

We talked about what it means to be thankful and drew pictures of things we feel grateful for.

Our kiddos worked through some tricky math centres that focused on ordering, writing and representing numbers to 10. We're working on taking our time when counting, and learning to use a strategy such as moving each item or putting the objects in a line to ensure greater accuracy.

As always, we deepen our understanding of classroom topics through our playful exploration time. Our little community members were hard at work this week washing cars, baking cookies, designing neighbourhoods and creating a spectacular collaborative painting.

I am so grateful to spend time with your children every day. We're having so much fun coming together as a kindergarten family.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Miss Roberts 

P.S. Thank you SO MUCH for all of your contributions to our prize box!!! We now have an overflowing treasure chest filled with goodies that should last us for quite some time. Your generosity is remarkable! Thank you! We're well stocked for now. I will let you know next time our reserves are running low :)