Friday, June 1, 2018

Our ocean inquiry is going strong! This week we spent a lot of time talking about sea turtles. We learned many exciting (and a few very sad) things about these amazing ocean creatures. Do you know what happens if a mother sea turtle buries her eggs too deep or too shallow in the sand? This is SO COOL! Ask your child to explain this to you :)






We worked through a sea turtle math problem this week: 5 sea turtle hatchlings have just come out of their nest. How many of them are girls? How many of them are boys? 


We went on a field trip to Mr. Hart's office so he could share his very beautiful sea turtle painting with us! 

Classroom Reminders:

1. Sports Day is on Friday, June 8! As this is an early dismissal day for the afternoon class, morning students are invited to come with their parents to join in the festivities. Activities will be set up around the school field and Green Park across the street from 9:30-11:30. 

2. In conjunction with Sports Day, we are going to be celebrating and bringing awareness to children’s cancer through Kids Cancer Care. Starting next week, we will be accepting loonie or toonie donations for this cause. 

3. Tuesday, June 5 is Ride Your Bike to School Day. 

Our kindness missions are going strong!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Roberts :)