Thursday, March 31, 2022

 Springtime Goodness

Spring has officially arrived in kindergarten and we couldn't be happier! We read stories and watched videos about the changes that take place in springtime and created checklists around what to look for. 

We explored many exciting new centres this week, which included a gardening centre, an Easter centre, a new painting centre, and some fun new drawing inspiration at the easel. We're nearing the end of the alphabet and only have 3 letters left! This week's letter focus was Y. 

Y is for YELLOW!


The date has been set for the filming of the kindergarten video: Thursday, April 7th (morning class only, sorry!) If you feel like sending your child in something extra cute that day, feel free :)

Thanks for an amazing week! I love your little ones so much and feel deeply grateful for the time we spend together in our special place 💖

Miss Roberts