Friday, October 14, 2016

We were pattern-making machines this week! We learned about how to identify and create patterns, translate patterns (from an action to a colour pattern), and had fun searching for patterns on our clothing each day. Students experimented with patterning using a variety of classroom materials and learned how to use our classroom iPads to take pictures of the patterns they made. The afternoon class became designers for their Early Dismissal Friday and designed their own T-shirts, bracelets and necklaces. Students turned one of their pattern designs into a bracelet to bring home. Have a look for patterns around your house and ask your child to create and extend some patterns for you! 

We worked through our very first math problem this week: How many people are in your family? Although this seems like a very simple problem to work through, students learned many skills by completing this task.
They learned to use pictures to solve a problem, explored how to organize their pictures so that they could count their family members afterwards, and added numbers and letters to their work to clearly communicate an answer. This problem also inspired conversation around how much of our family to include. Some students drew only those who live in their house. Others drew grandmas, grandpas, uncles, aunts and cousins! 

On Thursday, we learned about what it means to sequence a story. Students practiced unscrambling a variety of simple story pictures as a group before choosing one to try on their own. They loved coloring, cutting and gluing their own stories and enjoyed sharing the story they created afterwards. 

Check-out a couple of our new classroom centers! Students are so excited to be making their own books and are loving our colour-mixing science experiment. 

Classroom Reminders:

1. Picture day is coming! Students will be getting their school pictures taken on Tuesday, October 18th. Please return the photo form that was sent home this week. Please put it in your child's folder and send it in on Monday so that we can have them organized prior to picture day. 

2. Winter is here, and along with it comes hats, mitts and many other winter goodies. Please ensure your child's name or initials are somewhere on these belongings. I find random mittens and gloves every single day that no one claims as their own. 

3. I am looking for a morning and an afternoon parent who would be willing to organize a volunteer calendar for us. I will be asking parents to email you if they are interested in volunteering. Your responsibility would be to create a calendar to schedule these visits. I can give you more detailed information if you choose to volunteer. Please email me if you're interested in being our classroom volunteer parent!

Thank you for taking the time to read about your child's learning this week. Have an amazing weekend with your family!

Miss Roberts