Sunday, March 5, 2017

This week in kindergarten was all about migration! The kids are SO engaged with our investigation of animals in winter. They are coming to school each day with new facts to teach their friends and have integrated this learning into their free-choice play at center time. It's so wonderful to be a part of their enthusiasm and excitement. One of the facts we learned was that when lobsters migrate to find calmer waters, they hold onto each other and walk in a line. You should see us walking in the hallway now...we've turned into lobsters! It's adorable. We learned that there are 3 main reasons why animals migrate to a new place. Ask your child to share these with you :) 

The morning class began exploring self-assessment this week. We spent time looking at a writing continuum and talked about how the writing progresses from picture to picture. Students looked at writing examples and decided where each piece of writing fit along the continuum. After some practice with this, students looked at their own writing and decided which color best matched what their writing looks like. Finally, students created goals to work towards to move their writing forward:

"I am working towards periods and more lower-case letters."

"I am working towards using spaces between my words."

"I am working towards writing more than one sentence."

This was hard work, but the students did great. They were surprisingly accurate in their assessment of their writing and came up with meaningful writing goals. The afternoon class will tackle this next week!

We learned another new and exciting math game called Watch Out! Students are becoming more comfortable recognizing dot patterns on dice and some of our more confident learners have started using counting-on as a strategy when counting the total on 2 dice. For example, if they roll a 6 and a 4, rather than counting all of the dots starting at 1, they touch the higher die and say "6," then count the rest of the dots "6...7, 8, 9, 10." This would be a great skill for you to practice with your child at home! 

We enjoyed having a guest Squash instructor with us in gym this week! He will be joining us for our gym time again tomorrow. 

Classroom Reminders:

1. Scholastic orders are due back on Monday, March 6.

2. We had fun working through Poetry stations with our Grade 2/3 and Grade 6 buddies for Love of Reading week. The Read-A-Thon folders are due back on Thursday, March 9. Please return the folders even if you choose not to participate.