Saturday, May 13, 2017

This week in kindergarten we talked about the letter Z. We have now spent time printing and talking about all but 2 letters of the alphabet. Most students are very confident with letter sounds by now and are able to confidently apply what they know when completing writing and reading activities at school. If your child is not yet easily able to identify most letter names and sounds, I would encourage you to practice these at home to build your child's confidence in this area. It is an expectation that students know a majority of letter names and sounds by the end of kindergarten and be able to use them independently to engage in classroom tasks. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like some suggestions around how to further support your child at home. 

We started to investigate Sea Turtles this week! Students were fascinated by many of the facts we learned and particularly enjoyed watching videos of baby sea turtles emerging from their nest (it's seriously adorable). Students were asked to represent what they learned in a detailed drawing that they will paint next week. 

Our kindergarteners were extremely excited about the opportunity to make something special for their mothers this week. They worked very hard at their beautiful zinnia flowers and cards for you. May all you mothers be spoiled with love and appreciation on your special day this weekend! You deserve it! 

Classroom Reminders:

1. Sports Day is happening on Thursday, May 18th from 2:00-3:15. As this is an afternoon event, the afternoon students will be participating when they are at school. The students in the morning class are welcome to come and join the fun but will need to be accompanied by an adult. The stations and activities will be taking place on the school field. Thank you so much to all of the parents who offered to volunteer for this exciting event! Please meet us at our classroom at 1:45 so we can divide the students into groups before going outside. It should be a fun day!

2. Friday, May 19th is a Professional Day for teachers. There will be no school for students on this day. 

3. If you have not already done so, please help your child to complete their ocean research questions and return to school this week or next. Thank you for your help with this! 

Have a beautiful weekend! Happy Mother's Day!

Miss Roberts