Friday, October 20, 2017

Developing self-confidence and learning to appreciate our similarities and differences is a big part of being in kindergarten. Throughout the year, we spend a lot of time talking about how each of us is unique while at the same time sharing a great deal in common with our friends. This week, students reflected on their talents. In their journals, students drew pictures of things they are really good at. We learned so many interesting things about each other from this activity. Our kiddos were so proud to share about their special skills. 

"I am really good at singing songs to my brother before he goes to sleep."

"I am talented at snuggling my mom."

"I am a very kind friend."

"I am an expert at scoring goals in hockey."

"I am talented at loving my family."


We continued to compare and contrast items in our classroom this week based on length and size. Though most of our little ones have now mastered this concept, we still have a few friends who are not able to do this independently. Have your child try this at home to see if they may need a little extra help :)



I believe that playing games and engaging in simple and fun activities involving letters and numbers is the best way to learn and develop these skills. Try adding some letters and numbers to activities that your child engages with at home. Adding a ruler to the building center at school and a notepad with some pens to our house center invites the use of letters and numbers in a playful way. Here are some of the literacy and numeracy centers students worked through this week:




Classroom Reminders:

1. Students loved getting their very first school photos taken! We did the very best we could to get some great smiles :) Retakes will be happening in early November for anyone who missed picture day or would like to have them taken again. Stay tuned for the exact date.

2. Halloween Hey Day is coming up next Friday, October 27. If you would like to purchase game coupons for this event, please return the green order form by Tuesday, October 24. 

We had such a wonderful week. Thank you for sharing your little ones with me. I treasure each and every one of them.

Miss Roberts :)