Friday, November 24, 2017

Our classroom restaurant was magically transformed into a Starbucks this week and we've been serving up delicious drinks each day! Our kiddos are measuring, comparing sizes, engaging in polite and thoughtful conversations with each other, constantly talking about numbers, using writing for a real-world purpose AND having a ton of fun along the way. The glasses/pipe-cleaner combo is a headset for the staff working the drive-through and the cotton balls are whipped cream. Kindergarten genius at its finest. 

We dove deeper into our investigation of animals this week. We talked about why animals need homes and engaged in a collaborative art and research project to learn about where our favourite animals live. The discussions, questions and insights taking place were absolutely fantastic. We will continue to work on these next week. 



Our kindergarteners were challenged to apply their expert patterning skills to a math problem on Tuesday...

I see 6 flowers in my garden. The first flower is red, the second flower is yellow and the third flower is red. If the pattern continues, what color will the sixth flower be? 

This was very easy for some and very challenging for others. Try creating some similar pattern problems for your child to solve at home. Have them use drawing to show how they came up with their answer.


Classroom Reminders:

1. We will be having our class photos taken on Monday, November 27th. 

Have a sunny & beautiful weekend!

Miss Roberts :)