Friday, November 3, 2017

We made monsters this week! Students enjoyed creating character traits and interesting details about their monster friends. This was a great activity for practicing our oral language skills. Oral language is an incredibly important foundational piece of a child's literacy development. Students who are able to tell an interesting story filled with details and juicy tidbits will be much more confident when it is time to begin writing such stories later on. How can you practice this at home? Talk to your child! Create imaginary stories. Reflect on family experiences, trying to remember as many details as you can. Pause when reading stories together to talk about interesting words you come across. Have fun with it :)

With bellies full of candy on the day after Halloween, we spent time talking about things that are healthy and things that are not healthy for our growing bodies. Students had fun applying their understanding when they opened up their snacks that day. We learned that treats are okay sometimes as long as we give our bodies plenty of healthy things in between. 


Our super smart little kinders worked through their very first math problem this week: How many towers can you build using 1 red, 1 blue and 1 yellow block? It was a great exercise for students to realize the importance of organizing their work and seeing that there can be multiple answers to the same problem. 


Classroom Reminders:

1. Order forms for photos are due back to the school on Monday, Nov. 6. Retakes will be happening on Wednesday, Nov. 8. If you would like your child to have retakes, please write me a note or an email ( so I can ensure they do not get missed on that day.

2. Scholastic book orders are due Nov. 8.

3. Our school will be accepting donations for the Veteran's Food Bank from now until Nov. 10.

4. Our school will be hosting a Remembrance Day assembly on Friday, Nov. 10 at 10:30am. The afternoon class will be reciting a (very) short poem at the assembly. Parents are welcome to attend. As the morning class does not have school on that day, morning students (along with their parents) are welcome to join us as well. 

Hope you're enjoying some delicious hot chocolate under a warm cozy blanket. Stay warm out there! 

Miss Roberts :)