Friday, January 12, 2018

Happy New Year! I hope each of you had a wonderfully restful and relaxing holiday. I am so happy to be back at school with all of your amazing little ones. We had a great first week together. 

We started our week talking about New Year's resolutions. Students reflected on the kind of person they would like to become and came up with a goal to work towards. Here are some of the incredible ideas our kiddos came up with:

"I would like to help my mom with her cooking."
"I am going to be kind and helpful to my little brother."
"I want to make new friends by inviting more people to play."
"I am going to be a better listener."
"I am going to empty the dishwasher and help with laundry."


We spent the next couple of days talking about what we did over the holidays. Students looked at work samples to come up with criteria for what makes a great drawing. They each drew a picture of their favourite thing they did over the break and worked hard to ensure that their pictures communicated where they were, who they were with and what they were doing. We drew these on transparencies (or invisible paper as one student called it). 


The following day, students painted their pictures and added some writing. We're writers now! Wooo hoooo!!

"I went to the pool and it was so fun."

"I went skiing with my dad."

"Me and Daddy had a date night and for dessert we had ice cream."

We spent a lot of time this week talking about kindness. What does it mean? How can we show it? Why does it matter? We have started a kindness tree that we add leaves to each day when we notice our friends demonstrating kindness and are on a mission to spread kindness throughout the school! Stay tuned for more of our kindness missions!


Classroom Reminders:

1. If you are a parent who would like to help out with a few cutting/gluing type activities at home, please email me to let me know ( Thank you in advance! For parents who would like to spend some time with us in the classroom,  I will have an online volunteer calendar set-up by next week. Information around how to sign-up will be communicated through the blog. Stay tuned!

Miss Roberts :)