Friday, February 23, 2018

We're becoming readers! Students have been so thrilled to share their home reading books with me each day. Thank you for your support with this new and exciting time in their lives. Each week, we learn a new sight word for students to begin noticing in text that they read. We call these Popcorn Words because they keep pop, pop, POPPING up all over the place! We spent some time reading, searching for and creating these words in class this week. 

These are the words we have practiced so far: 
I, a, the, me, be, we, he, she, you




As we begin to wrap-up our investigation of what animals do to survive the cold winter months, students were challenged to demonstrate what they have learned so far by creating their very own non-fiction book. Your child will be bringing home their completed books next week. Take a look at how your child's drawings are (or are not) progressing. Did they add detail to their drawings and show care and attention in their coloring? Are they beginning to use writing as a way of showing what they know? Did they include at least one animal that hibernates, one animal that migrates and one animal that adapts? How confidently are they able to recall facts they have learned about what animals do in the winter? 



In order to ensure children are understanding the math concepts and vocabulary we have been working on, students were asked to demonstrate their understanding of numbers that come BEFORE and AFTER other given numbers. These will be sent home in student folders on Monday. Please have a look at your child's work and support them to practice these important early math skills if they need a bit of extra practice. Thank you for your help! 


Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Roberts :)