Sunday, February 10, 2019

We had a week filled with LOVE ...

... and some epic inline skating! 

I am SO proud of the determination, persistence, and perseverance I saw from our kindergarteners this week. You would be SHOCKED at the progress made over the course of our 3 days with Curtis from Alien Inline. We went from learning to gear up and stand up on our first day, to skating backwards and going through tunnels by the end of the week. We learned some very valuable life lessons about not giving up!






Children also showed a great deal of compassion towards the varying skills and abilities of their classmates and were so encouraging and supportive towards each other throughout the week. This was so beautiful to see. 

When we weren't in the gym, we spent time exploring some exciting new valentine centers. They were VERY excited about writing notes for friends and family, and making some sneaky school mail deliveries. 



 "Dear Seth, I love you because you are kind to me." 

We're officially becoming readers! Children have been so very proud to share their home reading books with me at school. Thank you for your support with this new and exciting time in their lives. Each week, we learn new sight words for students to begin noticing in the text that they read. We call these Popcorn Words because they keep pop, pop, POPPING up all over the place! We spent some time searching for these words in our classroom books and even went hunting for them in different areas around the school. 



Classroom Information and Reminders:

1. Teachers' Convention is coming up! There will be no school on Thursday or Friday of this week. 

2. We will be handing out valentines on Wednesday. If your child is interested in handing out valentines, please refer to last week's post for details. 

Miss Roberts :)