It was wonderful meeting with each of you this week! Thank you so much for taking the time to engage in these important introductory discussions about your child. I wholeheartedly enjoyed the conversations we shared.
This week, we used our new skills of drawing shapes to help us progress beyond drawing stick people! Students used shapes to draw pictures of their family and learned how to add special details to personalize each family member. On the following day, students attempted to add letters and names to their drawings. This was brand-new for many students and they did a tremendous job of trying their best and making a guess if they weren't sure.
We call this beginning stage of writing "kid-writing." Students may add random letters to their pictures or begin to match some letters with what they have drawn. If you see your child begin to experiment with letters at home, please be supportive of this HUGE developmental step. Encourage risk-taking and experimentation rather than perfection and fixing mistakes.
On Tuesday, we met Marty the Math Monster! Students had fun watching him count and had a great deal of advice for him around how to make sure that he was counting accurately. We taught Marty that counting things in a clump can be tricky because we could miss something or accidentally count something twice. We learned that moving each item as we count it or organizing the objects into a line will help to improve accuracy when counting. Kids then showed off their understanding of numbers to 10.
We practiced our scissor skills too! For a finishing touch on our paper portraits, we learned how to draw eyes that look realistic (just like real artists do). Students enjoyed using mirrors to get an up-close glimpse at what their eyes look like.
Classroom Reminders:
Our school-wide Terry Fox Run will be taking place on Thursday, Sept. 28 from 2:45 to 3:20. Parents, siblings and grandparents are welcome to participate! As this is an afternoon event, morning students are welcome to come join us for the run, as long as they come with a parent/guardian. We will be running at Green Park, across the street from the school. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather on that day.
Have an amazing weekend! Stay warm!
Miss Roberts :)