Friday, September 29, 2017

We were pattern-making machines this week! We learned how to identify and create patterns, translate patterns (from an action to a colour pattern), and had fun searching for patterns on our clothing each day. Students experimented with patterning using a variety of classroom materials and learned how to use our classroom iPads to take pictures of the patterns they created. Have a look for patterns around your house and ask your child to create and extend some patterns for you! 


Each week in kindergarten, we will highlight one letter to help us practice letter formation and become more confident with letter/sound relationships. This week we learned about the letter P. Students practiced printing this letter in their new printing journals and drew pictures of things that begin with this sound. I am so impressed with the risk-taking happening in their writing already. These kids are geniuses! 

Throughout the year, we will also be creating many exciting art projects that reinforce the letters we are learning. We had fun reading many Pigeon books by Mo Willems this week and created our very own Pigeon art using chalk and oil pastels. Students were so proud to learn how to draw their very own pigeons. 

We also spent time this week talking about what it means to be kind. Students reflected on something they could do to show kindness in our classroom and drew pictures of their ideas in their sketchbooks.



(Notice the patterns in their coloring!)

Our Early Dismissal Friday this week was MAGICAL! We learned about abstract art, collaboration and color! While listening to some very peaceful classical music, students worked together to create a stunning abstract mural. It was a beautiful thing to behold. The morning class will have a chance to create their mural next week. On that may be a good idea not to wear anything too fancy on Friday just in case :)


Classroom Reminders:

Briar Hill will be a collection point for Jacket Racket this year. They are an organization that collects gently used winter coats, snow pants, hats and mittens for distribution to families in need across Calgary. If you have any of these items that you no longer need, we are collecting donations between October 2 and October 13. Items of various sizes are acceptable. There will be a bin in the foyer for donations. Please note, they will not be accepting boots and scarves.

Have a beautiful weekend! 

Miss Roberts :)