Students were so excited by this that they wanted to spread their kindness flowers beyond the classroom. The afternoon students created flowers for staff, siblings and friends throughout the school and were SO very proud to go around delivering them.
To further our understanding of animals in winter, we spent time this week learning about migration. Ask your child to teach you about some of the animals that migrate. There are 3 main reasons why animals will choose to migrate. See if your child can identify all 3!
We spent time learning about the math word, LESS and practiced coming up with numbers that are more or less than another given number. We learned a new number game called Who Has Less? to help us practice this new skill.
Classroom Reminders:
2. Exciting news! Sound Kreations will be coming to our school to facilitate a week-long dance residency for students. During our gym time this week, children will be learning to explore different types of dance from around the world. We invite you to join us for a short celebration of our hard work on Friday, February 9 from 11:30-12:30. Please note that this is a morning class early dismissal day. If any students from the afternoon class would like to be a part of the final celebration, they are more than welcome to join the morning class during their portion of the performance.
3. Scholastic orders are due Monday.
Happy Saturday!
Miss Roberts :)