Friday, February 9, 2018

We had a wonderfully wintery week in kindergarten! Our letter this week was W and students came up with many things beginning with this letter. 


We had SO much fun on our winter walk! With magnifying glasses in hand, we were animal detectives on the hunt for tracks and clues of animal activity in our community. Check out some of the amazing animal tracks we found!



I would encourage you and your child to take a look for tracks around your yard. Please feel free to take pictures and send them in for students to share their discoveries with one another. 


We learned about some of the special ways animals adapt to the winter and discovered that not all animals hibernate or migrate.  Some animals grow a thicker winter coat and change color to camouflage themselves and adapt to the cold temperatures. We spent time talking about the snowy owl and created some very adorable owls of our own.



Our math word of the week was AFTER. Students practiced identifying and describing numbers that come after another given number. Children are learning to do this with confidence and automaticity. Try rolling a die at home and have your child tell you the number that comes after the number that is rolled. For a SUPER challenge, see if your child can identify the number that is 2 more than the number rolled.

Thank you to those of you who were able to support our dance residency by coming to our dance celebration today. Our kiddos did such an amazing job. So proud! 

Classroom Reminders:

1. Due to Teacher’s Convention next week, there will be no school on Thursday, February 15 or Friday, February 16.

2. Valentine's Day is coming! Your child is welcome to bring in valentines to hand out to their classmates if this is something they are inspired to do. If your child chooses to bring in valentines, I have a couple requests:

-Organizing the handing-out of these things is a bit difficult, especially because not all students are able to read each other's names at this point in the year. To simplify the process, I am asking that students sign their valentines with their own name, but leave the "To" part blank. Or write, To: My friend. Each class has 16 students. 

-We have spent a great deal of time learning to write our names with lower case letters, using a capital only at the beginning. As your child will be writing their name 16 times, please encourage them to write their name this way. 

-Due to student allergies, I request that students not bring in food treats for each other. If you are interested in sending in something extra, pencils, stickers or any other non-food treat is welcome (but not at all necessary!!)

Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Roberts :)