Friday, March 16, 2018

We have been diving into the wonderful world of storytelling over the past few weeks. Students are creating characters and magical worlds, acting out imaginary adventures and developing a sense of what is involved in developing an interesting story. 

This week, children learned to invent a character, develop a challenge for their character to overcome and find a solution to help their character resolve the challenge. Students started with drawings, added some writing and then had an opportunity to share their stories with each other. Ask your child about the story they created!



We talked about the letter Y this week and enjoyed exploring the color yellow. Children have the most beautiful understanding of the connection between colours and feelings. Here are a few of my favourite quotes from this week:

"Yellow makes me feel like theres sunshine in my heart...with glitter!"

"Yellow makes me feel like I'm in a field on a hot day with lots of sunlight!"


In addition to many math games and explorations, this week we began looking at how numbers can be broken down into smaller groups. For example, 5 can be broken down into 2 and 3, 1 and 4 or 2 and 2 and 1. Students were challenged to show the number 6 in as many ways as possible. Learning to break down numbers into their smaller parts is an important foundational skill in learning to add and subtract. 


Our popcorn word of the week is MY. Children are becoming experts at noticing these words everywhere. We get particularly excited when we find them on our clothes!! Words we have learned so far: I, a, the, my, you, to, he, she, me, be, we.


Classroom Reminders:

1. Monday, March 19th is classroom and family shopping day at our 23rd annual “Recycle a Friend” book sale. Each class will have a special time during the day to come in and shop. If you are interested in having your child purchase some books, they may bring money with them to school on Monday. Most books are $1. Families are invited to come in and shop from 3:30pm-6:00pm.

2. We are excited to invite you into our classroom to share in some of the work we have been doing! Please sign-up for a Student-Led Interview time. Students are an integral part of these interviews. Please bring your child with you. If you have any difficulties signing-up for a time, please contact the front office for assistance.

3. Just a reminder that there will be no school on Thursday OR Friday next week (March 22 & 23). In addition, Wednesday, March 21st is an early dismissal day for kindergarten only and afternoon students will attend on this day from 8:40-12:30. There will be no school for morning students on Wednesday. 

If you have any questions about this very confusing schedule change for next week, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Looking forward to seeing all of you next week!

Miss Roberts :)