Saturday, September 29, 2018

Each week in kindergarten, we will highlight one letter to help us practice letter formation and become more confident with letter/sound relationships. This week we learned about the letter P. Children practiced printing this letter in their journals and drew pictures of things that begin with this sound. Ask your child to show you what our action and song is for this letter! See if you can find any items around the house that begin with the letter P.


We spent time this week talking about how each family is unique! Children shared about their favourite things to do with their family and drew pictures of what each family member looks like. Our expertise with drawing shapes helped us to progress beyond drawing stick people! Yaaaay!!! 

One of the most important skills we practice in kindergarten is self-regulation. We spend a lot of time talking about how to be conscious of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. When we're able to identify how we are feeling, we can use strategies to help us work through them. We read a beautiful story called My Magic Breath that taught us about the power of breathing to help us feel calm. Children created their own magic breath paintings and shared about how their breath can help them when they're feeling upset.

"My magic breath helps me to feel like I'm relaxing." Alice

"My magic breath helps me to feel calm." Maddie

"My magic breath helps me to blow away all the bad feelings." Magnus



Head over to Mrs. Seddon's blog to see what happened on Math Monday!

Classroom Information and Reminders

1. Next week, we will be learning about the letter H and talking about the homes in which we live. Children will be sketching their house and sharing a bit about their home with their classmates. If possible, please send in a picture of your child standing in front of their home. Feel free to send me the photos through email if you like ( We will need photos by Tuesday, October 2. Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have already sent in your photos!!!

2. Remember to sign-up for email notifications for these blog posts so that they will be delivered directly to your email inbox each week :) Easy peasy! Please let me know if you're having difficulty.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Roberts :)


 P is for PINK!