Friday, October 12, 2018

We had such a magical week together! Our letter focus was C and we came up with a TON of things that begin with this letter, including the very city and country where we live! A few of our little ones decided to create some amazing Calgary Tower artwork during center time. We're officially artists now!


We spent the majority of our time this week investigating what it means to be part of a community. We used Google Earth to explore our own community from a new and unique perspective and talked about the many different kinds of communities we are a part of. We learned about the importance of signs (both street signs and labels on household items) to help keep us safe within our communities and searched for signs we could find in and around our school. 



To help us gain a deeper understanding of the concept of community, we decided to create one of our own! Children got right to work making plans around what our miniature community would need. 

The following day, children had the opportunity to bring their plans to life! We started by having each child choose where they would like their home to be, ensuring careful selection based on proximity to water and other homes. We quickly realized we would need a way of getting around the community, places to find food in our community and stores to provide us with important supplies. The problem-solving, respectful dialogue and incredible ideas that were shared during this activity were absolutely phenomenal. We learned to work as a team, collaborate to find solutions, and compromise when our ideas differed from our friends. This was a truly beautiful day.





We were so proud of our completed communities!

Classroom Information and Reminders

1. Students have been challenged to look for signs around the community. Perhaps you and your child can go for a sign-hunt this weekend! 

2. We have now spent time focusing on 3 alphabet letters. Find things around the house that begin with P, H and C and see if your child is able to sort the items by their initial letter sound. Try playing Eye Spy, searching for things that begin with certain letter sounds (Eye spy with my little eye, something that starts with the letter ___ ).

3. Our school is collecting gently-used clothing items in support of Jacket Racket. We will be collecting clean winter jackets, snow pants, hats, mitts and fleece jackets at our school from now until October 22nd. Donations can be dropped off in the large bin outside of the main office.

4. PICTURE DAY IS MONDAY, October 15! Bring your smiles :) 

5. From time to time, there are odd jobs (cutting/gluing type things, Scholastic catalogues, etc.), I would love your support with! If you are open to helping out with such things at home, please let me know (  

Have an amazing weekend everyone! I'll see you on Tuesday!

Miss Roberts :)

Did I mention our community had gigantic crocodiles?!