Friday, October 26, 2018

We learned about the letter A this week and dove into all things AIRPLANES! One of my very favourite things about teaching kindergarten is being able to let the ideas, passions and interests of the children guide a great deal of the work that we do. Through conversations, stories and observation of their play over the past couple of weeks, I noticed children becoming really interested in airplanes. It didn't take long before students began asking if we could create an airplane center in our classroom. 

Working together, we brainstormed everything we would need to make our idea come to life. We read books to help us with our research and scoured the classroom for materials we could use. Afternoon students even had an opportunity to explore the school basement for supplies! 

 "This is our final boarding call. The plane will depart in 10 seconds."


"One ticket to Yew Nork City please."
(Yes, that's what she called it 😊)

Tickets in hand, en route to Madagascar, Hawaii and Paris!

 "Wait, we need to fix the plane before take-off."

 "Anyone want some snacks?"

The magic of this kind of play is that students are reading and writing for authentic, real-world purposes (creating boarding passes, passports, signs, etc.) without even being asked to do so. They are counting, measuring, solving problems, building and creating...all with incredible enthusiasm and excitement. The learning truly takes on a life of its own. This was SO MUCH FUN!

Children also enjoyed experimenting and exploring a new art medium this week...plasticine!


After some preliminary explorations, we decided to use the plasticine to make airplanes. We looked at diagrams to determine the essential parts of an airplane and students got right to work creating their own. They were so proud of what they created.



As always, please take a look at Mrs. Seddon's blog ( to find out what the students worked on in math on Monday this week.

Classroom Information and Reminders

1. Thank you to all who were able to come and join us for the Halloween Hey Day! Just a reminder that children are asked not to wear their costumes to school on Halloween.

2. We're going to the Fire Station! Afternoon students will be walking to our local fire station on Thursday, November 1. Please review the email that was sent out for further information and ensure your child is properly dressed for an outdoor walk on that day. The morning class will likely be going for their tour of the fire station on the following week. We are still waiting to hear back about a confirmed date and time. Stay tuned! 

Have a beautiful weekend! 

Miss Roberts :)